Screw your potential!
by Mike Davis
It was during a conversation I was having with a relationship coach ... someone I respect highly... with whom it is very easy to have a relationship with myself that is very centered... (Joseph Riggio would say when the system comes to rest) that I made a comment that I have made many times before.
It was how I heard reverberate back that profoundly altered it's meaning to me.
I said "I feel like I'm not living up to my potential. That there's a gap in between myself and what it is I know I can do."
She then asked "What's in the gap?"
I thought for a moment and said "there's an experience of disconnect from what it is I know I already am."
And I realized that there HAS to be.
The dictionary defines potential as: Potential:(n)something that can develop or become actual.
By definition, it is something that does not exist yet.
The moment it does exist, it is no longer potential, but in fact reality.
Inherent in the thought form behind potential is a disconnect. It is the description of the GAP between where I perceive myself to be at this moment and where I know I can be.
This is the seductive meaning. It's always available, it just hasn't been reached yet, but it COULD be, if only... blah blah blah.
It is the proveribal carrot at the end of the stick which seems just within reach somehow yet always remains just outside of reach.
I realized that in fact I don't want to live into or up to my potential... To embark along this line of thinking requires that I consider myself to be "less than" the way I think I "should be" when I have reached my potential.
I prefer the experience I have of myself when I consider myself to be like an acorn where the entire oak tree is already present, or a lion cub where the entire adult lion is already present- just not fully realized... yet. It is inevitable, and it requires time and good nurishment to become what it already is. It also means that I do not end up becoming something that I think I should be- I simply become what it is I already am.
The way I know this is that when I consider myself as who I am becoming... and that that is already present... just not fully realized... yet... the system does indeed come to rest.
It was during a conversation I was having with a relationship coach ... someone I respect highly... with whom it is very easy to have a relationship with myself that is very centered... (Joseph Riggio would say when the system comes to rest) that I made a comment that I have made many times before.
It was how I heard reverberate back that profoundly altered it's meaning to me.
I said "I feel like I'm not living up to my potential. That there's a gap in between myself and what it is I know I can do."
She then asked "What's in the gap?"
I thought for a moment and said "there's an experience of disconnect from what it is I know I already am."
And I realized that there HAS to be.
The dictionary defines potential as: Potential:(n)something that can develop or become actual.
By definition, it is something that does not exist yet.
The moment it does exist, it is no longer potential, but in fact reality.
Inherent in the thought form behind potential is a disconnect. It is the description of the GAP between where I perceive myself to be at this moment and where I know I can be.
This is the seductive meaning. It's always available, it just hasn't been reached yet, but it COULD be, if only... blah blah blah.
It is the proveribal carrot at the end of the stick which seems just within reach somehow yet always remains just outside of reach.
I realized that in fact I don't want to live into or up to my potential... To embark along this line of thinking requires that I consider myself to be "less than" the way I think I "should be" when I have reached my potential.
I prefer the experience I have of myself when I consider myself to be like an acorn where the entire oak tree is already present, or a lion cub where the entire adult lion is already present- just not fully realized... yet. It is inevitable, and it requires time and good nurishment to become what it already is. It also means that I do not end up becoming something that I think I should be- I simply become what it is I already am.
The way I know this is that when I consider myself as who I am becoming... and that that is already present... just not fully realized... yet... the system does indeed come to rest.
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