Who Are You Being?

A web site that lists and gives detailed descriptions of personal transformation technlogies like The Landmark Forum, Insight and the Mythogenic Self Process

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

How Are You Learning?

by Michael Davis

Learning is a fact of life. We as human beings are constantly learning new things. Even if we are not consiously in school or reading or actively persuing to be educated in traditional or commonly thought of ways, the fact is we are always learning.

Learning even when we're "supposedly" not

We are not the same as we were yesterday. There is a massive amount of things being deleted and distorted in our experience if we think this week was like the last or if we think today we are unchanged from the experiences of yesterday. How we are being when we learn is of the most importance, even though it is the least noticed.

It is proven that our memories are altered every time we access them. Memories are not isolated compartmentalized references like files in a computer, but in fact biochemical processes that take into account many things that were in our concious awareness whne the memory was first formed, but also many things that were outside of our awareness as well. When we reactivate the chemical configuarations over time, there is always a new context present. When we re-access memories we are always adding something new to them, based on knowledge or experiences we have gained since the time the memory was last accessed.

Overt or "traditional" learning

Of course there is the traditonal learnings that we undertake, whether it is a course at school, or learning a new phone number or a song or a seminar for personal or business development.

The "How"

ALL learning is state dependent. That means that what state you are when you are learning will determined the accessablity to that learning at a later time. For instance, when you are in school, if you have a class in the morning where you are consistently awake and in a resourceful state becuase you get enough rest and get up early enough to be fully awake, you will find it more difficult to access the learnings you get from that class when you are tired and in an unresourceful frame of mind.

The most effective way for you to have consistent access to what you learn is to be aware of the state you are in when you are learning something and if it is not the state you want to be having, making the adjustments to get into the state you want to be in.

The second part to this obviously is to be aware of the state you are in when you are looking to reaccess a learning and make the adjustments necessary to match the state you wetre in when you had the origional learning. It is precicely because of this I would recommend putting yourself into a state you WANT to be in when learning so that you can be in a sate you WANT to be in later on when you need to reaccess the information you need to get to.

The information used in this article was inspired by Joseph Riggio , Devloper of the MythoSelf(r) Process.

Who Are You Being... Personal Enlightenment, Personal Transformation

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