Who Are You Being?

A web site that lists and gives detailed descriptions of personal transformation technlogies like The Landmark Forum, Insight and the Mythogenic Self Process

Saturday, November 08, 2003

The Outcome...

For those curious as to the outcome of the story The Matrix - it is well worth the trip. Here's a word of advice-- don't pay attention to phrases like "good" great" "bad" or "awful" when reading reviews.

If you have any experiences with the journey of shifting your way of "being" in the world like though landmark education programs or insight programs or lifespring programs or the mythogenic self programs, you will find that the wakowski brothers have indeed made that journey too.

With films like this out in the world as evidence of people's shifting internal experiences, I am optimistic that we as humanity are moving in a direction through the chaos that is totally unimaginable for us yet held out into a collective future Intent that we are moving toward with a steady future present orientation instead of a past-future one - in other words saying the future will be what we say it will be because we say so- not based on circumstance and environment...

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Friday, November 07, 2003

Side note: In the previous post I mentioned the term "real time". For more infomation about presence and experiencing life in "real time", visit the Insight web site...

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Working With Others Effectively

In the domain of NLP (Neurolingusitic Programming):

In NLP circles, there is term known as Pacing, which has been taken too literally in my opinion. I would reccommend reading this article that I've linked to and find out more about the structure of pacing, what pacing is really for, and, like all other aspects of personal transformation technology, you have to be present and interact with any situation as it is occurring in realtime... so that it is about leading to the shift desired with Intent, in "real time", not a following a rule book and trying to manipulate something to happen.

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Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Personal Transformation Web Site

A new web site devoted to providing programs oritented towards personal transformation can be found by following the aforementioned link. This is truely remarkable work, and while I as the author wholly and completely own that I have favorable bias, I am also telling you this stuff is amazing!!

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I forgot to metion the web address for the previous article on Ontology...

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