Who Are You Being?

A web site that lists and gives detailed descriptions of personal transformation technlogies like The Landmark Forum, Insight and the Mythogenic Self Process

Thursday, August 26, 2004

A Personal Transformational Movie- Looking Beyond the Obvious...

For those curious as to the outcome of the story The Matrix - it is well worth the trip. Here's a word of advice-- don't pay attention to phrases like "good" great" "bad" or "awful" when reading the reviews of others.
As with anything else of value in your life that requires an evaluation as to whether or not it is of value to you... making up your own mind first hand is always the best decision.
If you have any experiences with the journey of shifting your way of "being" in the world like though landmark education or the mythogenic self programs, you will find that the Wakowski Brothers have indeed made that journey too.
With films like this out in the world as evidence of people's shifting internal experiences, I am optimistic that we as humanity are moving in a direction through the chaos that is totally unimaginable for us yet held out into a collective future Intent... and Intent that we are moving toward with a steady future present orientation instead of a past-future one. In other words saying the future will be what we say it will be because we say so- not based on circumstance and environment...
This orientation is a hallmark of personal and trans-personal enlightenment.

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