Technology and Making Contact
by Mike Davis
I notice, some days, as I sit behind my desk, working on my computer, that there are fundamental similarities and
differences in the experience I have of who I am.
In either experience there are 2 ways in which I experience myself, one is when my direction goes "in", and I consider myself from the vantage point of the ways I think of myself, the memories I have, the preconceptions, thoughts and beliefs that give me a "solidity" in a way that creates the sense of seperation and isolation from everything around me. In this experience there is, at best, a sense of non- discontent and more often an experience of something being wrong or missing, whether it's wondering about how I'll be able to pay my bills in 6 months or something that I feel should be different in my personal or professional relationships.
The other, when my experience goes "out" is immedietly different. I am aware of what I am working on or relating to- and my focal point is on what is going on at the moment I am making contact with others or the project in front of me. My experience of myself and who I am is literally (as literally as it can be) what is showing up in the interaction I am having at that particular moment. In order to even CONSIDER a time other than the immediete present or reflect on who I think I am, I need to leave the interaction.
I find that although I get a great deal of satisfaction from what I do technically, it is more satisfying to have interactions I have with other humans, as the feedback and "energy" that is exchanged created a field that truely lets me know who "I" am. These interactions can be in the context of "oh, let's discuss your web site" to talking about something we did last weekend or dancing or playing or in the most intimate of physical contact.
Who Are You Being? Personal Enlightenment, Development, and Transformation Resources
by Mike Davis
I notice, some days, as I sit behind my desk, working on my computer, that there are fundamental similarities and
differences in the experience I have of who I am.
In either experience there are 2 ways in which I experience myself, one is when my direction goes "in", and I consider myself from the vantage point of the ways I think of myself, the memories I have, the preconceptions, thoughts and beliefs that give me a "solidity" in a way that creates the sense of seperation and isolation from everything around me. In this experience there is, at best, a sense of non- discontent and more often an experience of something being wrong or missing, whether it's wondering about how I'll be able to pay my bills in 6 months or something that I feel should be different in my personal or professional relationships.
The other, when my experience goes "out" is immedietly different. I am aware of what I am working on or relating to- and my focal point is on what is going on at the moment I am making contact with others or the project in front of me. My experience of myself and who I am is literally (as literally as it can be) what is showing up in the interaction I am having at that particular moment. In order to even CONSIDER a time other than the immediete present or reflect on who I think I am, I need to leave the interaction.
I find that although I get a great deal of satisfaction from what I do technically, it is more satisfying to have interactions I have with other humans, as the feedback and "energy" that is exchanged created a field that truely lets me know who "I" am. These interactions can be in the context of "oh, let's discuss your web site" to talking about something we did last weekend or dancing or playing or in the most intimate of physical contact.
Who Are You Being? Personal Enlightenment, Development, and Transformation Resources